- Professor in Computer science in College Maisonneuve, 2012-today
- Researcher in College Maisonneuve (LRIMA Laboratory), 2015-today
- Lecturer in University of Montreal, 2008-today
Dr. Jihene Rezgui, founder and director of LRIMa (Laboratoire de Recherche Informatique Maisonneuve), is a passionate expert in the interactions between the brain, cognition, and language. Guided by curiosity and innovation, she leads several cutting-edge projects in this field. With her team, she has developed an electrode-equipped helmet to capture electroencephalographic (EEG) brain waves of drivers, contributing to drowsiness detection while driving. Through supervised learning models, she predicts drivers’ states by collecting data in a driving simulator. Her project “ALIVE Mind” explores enhancing students’ concentration by identifying factors influencing their attention. Using the ALIVE Mind Controller and innovative analysis tools, she evaluates the impact of different situations on attention, such as car races. In collaboration with PhonIA, she develops an innovative speech recognition solution to detect reading disorders in children, offering new perspectives for learning. Furthermore, her work on ocular tracking to diagnose dyslexia showcases her commitment to providing tangible solutions to language and brain-related challenges.
Keywords: Brain-language interactions, Drowsiness detection while driving, Internet of Things, Intelligent Transport System, Student concentration, Speech recognition, Ocular tracking
Academic experience
- Post doctoral research fellow (Cloud computing of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks supporting safety applications) -Université de Sherbrooke, 2014
- Post doctoral research fellow (The management of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks supporting safety applications) – University of California, Berkeley, 2011
- Post doctoral research (Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, Smart Grid) – Université de Sherbrooke(2010-2012)
- Ph.D. thesis (Wireless Mesh networks) – Université de Montréal (2010)
Awards and Recognition
- With my LRIMa team: City of the Future: OCTAS 2023 Laureates (IT Network)
- With my PhonIA team: Scientific Chief’s Heartfelt Award 2023.
- With my PhonIA team: Regional Winners at the Défi Ose Entreprendre 2023 – Technological and Technical Innovation category.
- With my PhonIA team: Finalists at C2 Mtl for the 2023 Quebec Artificial Intelligence Company of the Year.
- With my LRIMa team: Smart City Laureate Future Force 2022 (Science and Technology)
- Honorable Mention AQPC 2018 for the excellence and professionalism of her teaching work Read the article AQPC 2018
- To be part of the Montreal Movement Girls & the Code (CMTL) Read the article: Educate the next generation for a more inclusive future
Research interests
- Machine Learning, Deep learning
- Brain-language interactions.
- Intelligent Transport System et Drowsiness detection while driving.
- Wireless networks: wireless mesh networks, sensors networks, vehicular networks, etc.
- Data Science
- Cyber-Physical Systems: Computation, Communication, and Control