*Principal researcher: Optimisation des communications DSRC Véhicule-Véhicule et Véhicule-Infrastructure basée sur des algorithmes novateurs en IA pour une perception améliorée
- FRQNT: Obtained on May 5th 2022: A grant of 102 000 $ for a three-year period for this research project.
*Principal researcher: Digital Environment for Artificial Intelligence Progressive Learning (ALIVE IA)
- Pôle montréalais d’enseignement supérieur en intelligence artificielle (PIA): obtained in march 2022 total grant of $82,000 for a period one year for this project.
This project is a collaboration with Prof. Foutse Khomh SWAT Lab director at Polytechnique
*Supervisor Challenging and progressive learning of Internet of Things programming for young programmers
- Mitacs-FRQNT Scholarship for research internship: Obtained on Jullay 2021: A 5 000 $ research grant to Enric Soldevila for a period of six months, the project will end in January 2022.
*Supervisor Inter-vehicle synchronized acceleration system at traffic lights to increase the fluidity of road traffic
- Mitacs-FRQNT Scholarship for research internship: Obtained on November 2020: A 5 000 $ research grant to Mathis Laroche for a period of six months, the project will end in May 2021.
*Collaborator and IA expert: Experimentation of a cognitive sciences walkthrough to graduate studies to promote AI and programming to girls.
- Pôle montréalais d’enseignement supérieur en intelligence artificielle (PIA): Obtained on November 2019: A grant of 76 000$ for a two-year period for this project.
*Principal researcher: Cyber-Physical system of cloud communication for vehicules to analyze events and bypass traffic.
- FRQNT: Obtained on May 2th 2018: A grant of 103 000 $ for a three-year period for this research project.
*Principal researcher: Cooperative communications and augmented perception architectures for road accidents prevention.
- FRQNT: Obtained on May 5th 2015: A grant of 102 000 $ for a three-year period for this research project.