- Simulateur de communications véhiculaires: SCV (2016)
- Detection and Analysis Algorithms of punctual road events from vehicular data in the search for the optimal route: AMNAM n’est aucunement Maps (2018)
- A platform for Sharing Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Autonomous Driving An overview of Enhanced LAOP : LASP (2019)
- Training Genetic Neural Networks Algorithms for Autonomous Cars with the LAOP 2.0 Platform (2019)
- Traffic Sign Recognition Using Neural Networks Useful for Autonomous Vehicles: ARIBAN (2019)
- Vehicles Classification and Brand Recognition Using Convolution Network and Neural Networks VARC (2019)
- Intelligent Fruit Maturity Assessment Platform Using Convolutional Neural Network : IFMAP (2020)
- Autonomous Learning Intelligent Vehicles Engineering: ALIVE 1.0 Platform (2020) : http://lrima.cmaisonneuve.qc.ca/alive